CLICK HERE to send a money transfer to JAMAICA with Western Union
Governing Law
The terms and conditions set forth herein are governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of New York and Florida, United States of America. The Sponsor, its affiliates and participants in this promotion submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the aforementioned states.
This “FASTER FOR CHAMPS” Promotion is sponsored by GraceKennedy Money Services (GKMS) (“Sponsor”), Authorized Agent of Western Union in Jamaica, located at GraceKennedy Financial Group, 42-56 Harbour Street, Kingston, Jamaica.
Duration of the Promotion
The Promotion runs from: January 27 – March 7, 2025 (“Qualifying Transaction Period”)
Start Date of Promotion: January 27, 2025
End Date of Promotion: MARCH 7, 2025
Draw Date: March 10, 2025
- Customers who use Western Union to send money transfers to Jamaica via a Western Union store/retail location, the Western Union web site: www.wu.com or the Western Union mobile app will be automatically entered for a chance to win TWO (2) SEASON PASSES for the ISSA GraceKennedy Boys & Girls Championships in Kingston, Jamaica when they complete the Qualifying Action.
Qualifying Actions
- Send two or more money transfers to Jamaica using the Western Union app, Western Union web site (wu.com) or a Western Union retail location/store.
- Note that Qualifying Actions must be completed during the promotional period.
Prize Descriptions
There will be a total of 50 (fifty) season passes for the GraceKennedy ISSA Boys & Girls Championships prizes valued at US$126 each.
Number of winners
Twenty-five (25) winners will be selected.
- Twenty-five Western Union customers who send two or more Western Union money transfers to Jamaica using the Western Union app, web site or Western Union retail location/store during the ‘Qualifying Transaction Period’ will be randomly selected to win a pair of SEASON PASSES for the GraceKennedy ISSA Boys & Girls Championships in Kingston, Jamaica scheduled for March 25-29, 2025.
Winner Selection
Winners will be selected by random draw from Qualifying Transactions on March 10, 2025.
Customers who send their money transfers to Jamaica via the Western Union app, web site or Western Union retail location/store will be selected at random from the report of Western Union customer transaction database for the Qualifying Transaction Period. The process entails logging into the Transaction Management Portal using company-issued credentials, entering the “Qualifying Transaction Period’ then entering the number of Winners for the period e.g., 25 for January 20 to March 7, 2025.
An additional 25 customers’ names will be selected (as the back-up Winners; one back-up for each Winner).
Prize Winners will be selected by Western Union at random using the drawing tools on March 10, 2025.
Contacting Winners
The Sponsor’s representative will contact the Winners via email and or by phone.
Sponsor will make 3 attempts to contact each Winner by phone within three (3) working days after the draw.
If the Sponsor’s representative is unable to contact the Winner, the Sponsor reserves the right to select and contact a backup Winner in the order in which they were drawn.
Failure to claim their prize within ten (10) working days after notification will result in the prize being forfeited and a new selection made from the backup Winners.
Prize Distribution
The method of distribution for prizes will be as follows based on the customer’s preference:
- Electronic passes sent to their preferred email address.
- Electronic passes printed for collection from GraceKennedy Money Services’ offices located at 42-56 Harbour Street, Kingston, Jamaica.
Odds of Winning
Odds of winning depend upon the number of Qualifying Transactions during the Promotional Period. Any expenses not specifically identified as part of the Prize are the responsibility of the Winner. Winners will be posted to our social media pages as well as contacted via e-mail after the scheduled drawing. All drawings shall be conducted by the Sponsors. Winner selections are final.
Relationship of the Parties
For the avoidance of doubt, participation in this promotion and selection as a winner in the promotion should not be construed as creating any partnership, relationship, joint venture or other association between the Sponsor and the winner. The winner is not an employee of the Sponsor, GraceKennedy Money Services, Western Union or any of its affiliates.
Suspension or Termination
The Sponsor reserves the right to suspend or terminate the promotion temporarily or permanently if irregularities are detected.
General Rules
- The opportunity to enter to win is open only to persons residing in the United States in the states of New York or Florida.
- Employees of Sponsor, GraceKennedy Money Services, Western Union and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising and promotion agencies and their immediate family members (mother, father, and children) are not eligible for participation.
- Winners will be required to sign a talent release form upon acceptance of a prize which constitutes permission to the Sponsor and its agencies to use winner’s name and/or likeness for purposes of advertising and trade without further compensation, unless prohibited by law.
- Winners will forfeit the prize in the event they refuse to sign the talent release form to grant permission to GraceKennedy Money Services and its agencies to use their names and likenesses for advertising purposes.
- Winners assume all liability for any injury or damage caused or claimed to be caused, by participation in this Promotion or Redemption of any Prize.
- Neither Sponsor nor Western Union shall be liable in the event that the Winner, for any reason, fails to claim his/her prize. Neither shall be responsible for any accident or injury suffered by the Winner as a result of the Winner’s use of the prize.
- Neither Sponsor nor Western Union shall be liable for any damage to the Winner’s or any third party’s property or personal injury arising out of or in connection with this Promotion or the enjoyment of the prize.
- By participating in this Promotion, Entrants agree to be bound by the Official Rules.
- Prizes are transferable.
- Limit one prize (i.e. two season passes) per winner.